Welcome Home Olympians from Paris 2024

Welcome back!

On Sunday 15th September, we were gathering to celebrate a truly special homecoming for three of our club members—Peter Boukouvalas, Ameera Lee, and Jono Milne. It is with immense pride and joy that we welcome them back from their incredible journeys to the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris.

Peter, Ameera, and Jono—your performances on the world stage have left us all in awe. You’ve not only represented yourselves with immense skill and dedication but have also carried the banner of our club and our nation with honour.

Peter Boukouvalas, as an Olympian competing in the Open Men’s Recurve division, you faced the most challenging arena in archery. Sydney Olympic Park Archers is so proud of how you conducted yourself at the Olympics.  Although you drew the eventual bronze medallist in the first elimination round, your participation alone was a monumental achievement. Your journey to the Olympics has inspired and will inspire many, and your efforts are a testament to your hard work and the high standards you set for yourself. You stand as an example to all the young people in the club who dream of one day representing Australia at an Olympic Games, showing them that not only talent but dedication and practice can get them there.

Ameera Lee, your debut at the Paralympics in the Open Compound Women’s W2 Division was extraordinary. You dazzled us when you defeated the No. 2 seed in the individual women’s competition in the first elimination round, a feat that left our club members at SOPA cheering in sheer excitement. Your motto, Be creative, get inspired and never give up, perfectly encapsulates the spirit you’ve shown. Despite falling to a formidable French archer in the 1/8 rounds, your determination and the electrifying performances you delivered, especially in the mixed team quarterfinals, have inspired all of us, particularly our young compound archers.

Jono Milne, as a former bronze medallist from the 2016 Rio Paralympics and a Tokyo Paralympian, your return to the Open Men’s Compound W2 Division was met with great anticipation. Facing a highly competitive field is an impressive achievement. Your thrilling performances, especially in the mixed team quarterfinals where you and Ameera fought valiantly against the very strong British team, have showcased your enduring excellence and commitment to the sport.

We would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the remarkable contributions of our dedicated club and National coaches, Ricci Cheah and Alex King, who not only worked with our Para Archers but also coached Peter for most of his archery career. Your journey to Paris with our Paralympians did not go unnoticed. The club members thoroughly enjoyed witnessing your supportive interactions with the Australian team. Your dedication to the welfare of Peter, Ameera, Jono, and all our athletes is both impressive and deeply appreciated. Your commitment has played a crucial role in their successes and the overall performance of the Australian archery team.

It is a rare honour for any club to have three of its members representing Australia at such prestigious events, and this achievement speaks volumes about the talent and dedication present within our community. Each of you has contributed to a legacy that will inspire future generations of archers.

From the President of the Sydney Olympic Park Club, and on behalf of all our members.

I want to extend our heartfelt congratulations and thanks. Your efforts and accomplishments have not only brought pride to our club but have also set a shining example of perseverance and excellence. Welcome home, and here’s to celebrating your remarkable achievements and many more
milestones in the future. Let’s continue to aim high, inspired by the incredible standards you’ve set.

Congratulations and thank you for making us all so incredibly proud.

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